Grizzly tree experts offers a wide range of tree services to our clients, so that you can trust we will provide you with the best possible service, give you the right advice and point out potential problems with your trees. Please see below some of the services that we offer with a brief explanation. If you have any other tree related tasks that we haven't listed below, please drop us an email and we will help accommodate your needs or refer you to someone who can help.
There are various reasons that you may want your trees pruned, to remove hazardous limbs, to provide clearance from of structure of over an area, gain a little more light to your garden, reduce overall canopy size (with correct pruning practice). All of our tree pruning is carried out with the most advanced, non-invasive climbing techniques and safe work practices. All of tree pruning that we perform meets the ANZI standards (American National Standards Institute) and inline with the ISA code of ethics.
Safety pruning – We identify and prune out any dead, dying or dangerous branches/limbs that present a potential hazard.
Crown thinning – Selective pruning throughout the canopy of the tree with the removal of any rubbing and crossing branches to prevent future branch failure, thinning also allows a little more light to filter through the canopy, as well as reducing the wind sail.
Clearance pruning – Pruning out or reducing branches to provide clearance from buildings, other trees, children's play areas, lights etc…
Crown raising – Pruning out some of the lower limbs to raise the canopy of the tree for various reasons, to provide clearance for people and vehicles, allowing more light to the under-story planting, allow more light into buildings etc…
Reduction pruning - Pruning back branches to reduce them in length to maintain the tree at a desired size. There are limitations with reduction pruning to prevent the tree from being stressed out to much, pruning cuts are made to suitable sized secondary branches giving the tree chance to heal over, prevent the tree from producing epicormic shoots and leave the tree looking natural.

Tree removal
Dan and his team at Grizzly tree experts are very experienced in removing trees within the urban and residential settings, we evaluate the risks of each job and create a plan to safely and efficiently dismantle the tree piece by piece, and if necessary we will implement the use of rigging equipment, which allows safe removal of trees piece by piece that are in close proximity to or over your house, swimming pool, garage, hot tub, vegetable garden etc.
We use the most up to date equipment and the latest tree climbing techniques to ensure we are both efficient and safe.
Arborist reporting
Dan holds the ISA Tree Risk Assessor Qualification (TRAQ) as well as being an ISA Certified Arborist.
If you are in need arborist report please email over the information you have and we will advise you of the next steps.
You may require this as part of a new building application to outline which trees can be removed, which trees are to be protected and what must be done to give the trees the best chance during construction. You may require an arborist report for a tree removal application depending on which municipality you are located in. You may be concerned about the safety of the trees on your property and wish to have a professional arborist assess the trees and provide a written report.
Contact us if you think you may require an arborist report...

Custom milling (live edge wood slabs)
When removing trees around your property, typically people want the whole tree and all debris removed, but things are changing, and people now realize how beautiful wood is, especially when it's a large slab that grew in their own garden.
We offer a service to mill up the main trunk of the tree being removed. We mill the trunk into slabs that can be used to make amazing one off table tops, kitchen counter tops, vanity tops, coffee tables, outdoor benches, bar tops, shelving along with many other things. This option prevents the wood going for firewood or to the green waste recycling centre. You can have amazing one off slabs of wood with beautiful grain to create breathtaking furniture within your home with a wonderful story behind it, all at a fraction of the price it would cost you if you were to purchase a similar slab elsewhere.
Tree top Cat rescue
We know how much pets mean to their owners, we also know that cats love to climb trees, sometimes they are not so confident with the descent and can become scared and frightened. Because we are highly trained to assess and safely climb trees, we offer our services to rescue your stranded cat from the tree tops, because nowadays the fire department usually wont undertake the job, and they also are very limited by access and position of the cat.
Cats sometime become frightened and can be stuck in a tree for a few days becoming scared, stressed and hungry, and as an owner you also become concerned for your pet's well being. Call us now if you require our rescue service...

Tree top drone rescue
Use of drones are becoming much more popular for filming and photography work. Some of these types of drones are not cheap. As they become a really great tool for filming a variety of industries, it is becoming more common they get crashed into tree tops. When the drone and/or the footage is very valuable we can help!! Using our skilled and safe methods of climbing using ropes and harness to access the tree canopy and get out onto the branch tips, we will safely rescue your drone from the tree.
We offer this tree top drone rescue service around greater Vancouver.
Fruit tree pruning
If you have fruit trees in your garden and you want to have the best chance at producing the best crop of fruit then they need to be pruned on an annual basis. Fruit tree pruning is different in the methodology than pruning ornamental trees. If your fruit tree hasn't really been maintained for the previous few years it will require initial pruning to thin out the canopy, remove any truck suckers and epicormic shoots and then remove specific branches to encourage the tree to grow with a certain structure. After this initial pruning the tree should be pruned on an annual basis during enables the tree to carry the weight of the fruit without branches snapping, allows the light to penetrate through the crown, allows airflow, and enables easy picking of the fruit.

Wildlife habitat creation
Often times when removing trees we take all debris away from the property/site, but in certain instances and in the correct environment we can leave th lower portion of the trunk, we will then work to make the tree have the appearance of a natural break on the top of the stem with any branches left on made to look like they had previously snapped.
We can create bird boxes (see picture above) by hollowing out a section of the tree, and can also make specialist upward cuts to attract bats to roost.
As well as birds and bats, leaving a wildlife stem offers a home for lots of other insects and creates a valuable ecosystem within your garden...
Rigging trees for film work
We offer our tree climbing expertise to the film industry by offering a service for rigging film/camera equipment and people up into trees, while using the knowledge to undertake these needs in a completely non invasive way so as not to cause any damage.
With out years of experience working with trees, we can also be a valuable addition to a team in helping rig/ construct tree houses, tree top walks and anything else related.

Free firewood & woodchip
We are always generating wood chip from the work that we do and rather than taking it to the green waste dump we offer it out for free to anyone that is interested. Wood chip is great for garden walkways, weed suppression, trails, moisture retention in your garden etc. If your are in the greater Vancouver area and would like some wood chip please contact us via our contact form and we will be in touch with you.
When we remove trees we often have a lot of wood, we usually cut the wood up into 12-16" rounds ready for splitting, this wood can be collected from our job site, or if you happen to live close by we can drop it off for a small fee.
One of our main goals is to make use of the bi-products from our jobs sites, rather than it go to waste.